13 Sep 2010. Our two-fold mission is to improve the quality of human life through creative basic and translational research in cardiovascular disease.24 Aug 2010. Today, there is an increasing appreciation of the biological basis of mental disorders, and patients with these disorders benefit from a.Some of Firefox’s useful language tools for EFL and ESL learners include a spelling checker for multiple languages – you can switch between languages with the click of a mouse; it’s also got lots of different dictionary look-up plug-ins and translation tools in many languages. The Firefox browser and add-ons are all available for free download at www.mozilla.com.The Internet provides our communities with a medium to access services, find jobs, connect to friends, make inexpensive international phone calls to family members, and to advocate for social change. Many of the most valuable things we do online are non-commercial; they exist because the Internet is the first mass media system with no gatekeepers to dole out privilege to the highest bidder. That freedom and openness is what makes the Internet different from broadcasting and cable. It makes it valuable to our communities. We can’t allow Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and other broadband providers to deliver substandard Internet service to our communities.Telecom Companies Want to Create Second-Class "Netizens”But the big phone and cable companies want to get rid of Net Neutrality and control how the public accesses the Internet. These companies want to charge websites extra tolls to secure the fastest speeds online, while favoring their own content and services over their competition’s. Those unable to pay will be banished to the slow lane online, becoming second-class "netizens” without the same freedoms given to those with more money and influence.